P42 IT Educational Games P42 Fun Education Games P42 Increase Knowledge Levels
P42 Free Online Games Planeta 42 Games p42 IT Information Technology Games

Computer Parts Puzzle HDD Parts Puzzle Units of Information Puzzle Antivirus Programs Game 10 Fingers Typing Game Emoji Typing Puzzle The IT Crowd Game Computer Plugs Puzzle IT Game

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Computer Science Games Computer Technology Games IT Software Games IT Hardware Games Classroom Games IT Card Games Arcades Term Tests Puzzles Informatics SEO Nerd Games Mosaics Picture Tests 6 Grade games and tests 7 Grade games and tests 8 Grade games and tests 9 Grade games and tests 10 Grade games and tests

Computer Technology Games
Computer Technology
Hotkeys Tree History of Hard Disk Drives Archives Puzzle Compression and Archives Game Installing Games Smartphones Match Supercomputer Properties Supercomputer Applications

Computer Science Games
Computer Science
LAN Structure Puzzle Computer Topics Tree Network Types Puzzle Screen Resolution Puzzle Internet Structure Puzzle File Types Tree GPS Segments Puzzle Mobile Generations Game

Picture Tests
Computer Proficiency
Database Puzzle File Structure and Types Display Resolution Match Computer Navigation Database Applications Game History of Computers Game Emoticons Match Web Search Symbols

IT Hardware Games
Hardware Games
Find the Hardware Computer Mouse Types HDD Puzzle RAM Puzzle Modern Computer Case Puzzle Peripheral Devices Match Computer Components Match Computer Case Puzzle 8 Bit Computer Puzzle Top 9 Supercomputers

IT Software Games
Software Games
Browsers Puzzle Game Dev Programs Puzzle Passwords Generator IT App Windows History Software Programs Match Fun Operating Systems Computer Games Match Educational Websites Game

Term Tests
IT Grade Tests
5 Grade IT Test 6 Grade IT Test 7 Grade IT Test 8 Grade IT Test Computer Usage Test Local Networks Test Numeral Systems Test 9 Grade IT Test Computer Navigation Test Hotkeys Test File Types Test 10 Grade IT Test

Informatics Quizzes
Information Tree Numeral Systems Test Popular Programming Languages Fun Algorithm Diagram Information Test Programming Base Tree Programming Base Test HTML Tags Puzzle Informatics Game

SEO Games
Create a Website Web Traffic Sources Puzzle Keywords Worth Puzzle Popular Emails Puzzle Search Engines Match 50 Social Networks

Classroom Games
Picture Tests
Computer Basis Peripheral Devices Storage Devices Connect Peripheral Recognize Hardware Connect Hardware Software Programs Master Gamer

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Fun educational games about computer science and technology.

Information and Communication Technology games to explore and study the computers. More than 80 online games, related to different computer science subjects, that may be used for fun, interactive education and examination. The it knowledge games are small online games and apps, up to 1 MB, which include puzzles, mosaics, arcade games, card games and online tests with integrated valuation system. The ICT educational applications include most of the basic knowledge, needed to be able to work efficiently with the computer and studied in information technology and computer science classes. A range of IT subjects, like computer parts, numeral systems, units of information, software programs, SEO, hardware components and networks are designed in a fun interactive way for exciting learning. The IT learning games are suitable tools for education, examination, references and recreation. Free online IT classroom for kids and students. The informational technology learning games are suitable tools for education, examination, references, recreation and homeworks. Free online it classroom for kids and students.

All IT games (84):

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Planeta 42 Interactive Informational Technology.

When completed, the IT games and apps reward +1 Knowledge Level for every won game. The it games are separated in 19 categories according to the game type and the knowledge grade:
  • IT Puzzles - This collection includes various drag and drop technology objects, square rotating puzzles with a picture of important computer parts or whole computer systems and other sortable data about digital world.
  • IT Picture Tests - This collection includes free online tests where the answers are only pictures. They have integrated valuation system and give a nice school mark to put in the pupil's diary.
  • Computer Science Games - This collection includes online games to study theoretical knowledge about computers, computer vocabulary and activities for computers.
  • Computer Technology Games - This collection includes games to study the hardware, interactive structures and assembly part puzzles.
  • Software Games - This collection includes all games about computer programs, games, and program utilization.
  • Hardware Games - This collection includes all games about computer parts, peripheral devices, network infrastructure and more.
  • IT Classroom Games - This collection includes interactive practical occupations for computer technology classes, homeworks and examination.
  • IT Card Games - This collection includes fun card games to play with combinatorial computer science knowledge.
  • IT Arcade Games - This collection includ games, played with the keyboard and fun computer science subjects.
  • IT Mosaics - This collection usually involve playing with the mouse and sorting IT knowledge in colorful patterns, filling empty spaces.
  • IT Grade Tests - This collection includes more complicated tests for higher grade in IT. They are usually based on one or more preceding games.
  • Informatics - This collection includes all games about subjects studied in 9 grade Informatics at school.
  • IT for Kids - This collection includes games with simple knowledge about computers, where IT usually begins to be studied in most of civilized countries.
  • IT for 7th Grade - This collection includes games for advanced level of computer science knowledge.
  • IT for 8th Grade - This collection includes more complex games about computer technology knowledge.
  • IT for 9th Grade - This collection includes fun learning games in iformatics and programming.
  • IT for Students - This collection includes games for expert knowledge about computer science and digital technologies.
  • Nerd Games - A collection of computer technology games for nerds.
  • SEO Games - A collection of information technology games about the search engine optimization and understanding.
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