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Interactive software programs learning.

The Software Programs Match is a free online knowledge level game, to study 12 software programs. Minute to win it game with cards. A small Computer Technology Class game for desktop computers, laptops and tablets, which may be played in the web browser. Computer science learning game, suitable for online classes and interactive lessons.

This interactive lesson include the the following titles:
  • 1. Mozilla Firefox
  • 2. Adobe Photoshop
  • 3. Flash
  • 4. Internet Explorer
  • 5. Windows Media Player
  • 6. Dreamweaver
  • 7. Maya
  • 8. Winamp
  • 9. Winzip
  • 10. ESET Nod
  • 11. Daemon Tools
  • 12. µTorrent
Software Programs Match Picture

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How to play Software Programs Match.

The game will generate 24 random cards with software programs, where every two cards are the same. Like all matching pairs games, you must open all two same cards one after another to win the game. If you open one program card, try to open the same program card as next card to clear the two cards from the table.

Knowledge Achievements:
Know 5 popular software programs and get +1 Knowledge Level.

Software Programs Match Screenshot

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Class subject: Software.

Computer software includes computer programs, libraries and related non-executable data, such as online documentation or digital media. Basically all you can not touch on a computer is software. Here are the included titles of useful software programs and a little info about them:

1. Mozilla Firefox - browser.

2. Adobe Photoshop - raster graphics editor.

3. Flash - vector graphic editor with integrated object oriented script language.

4. Internet Explorer - browser.

5. Windows Media Player - run video files.

6. Dreamweaver - HTML and script editor.

7. Maya - 3D modeling program.

8. Winamp - run sound files.

9. Winzip - compress files, archiver.

10. ESET Nod - antivirus program.

11. Daemon Tools - virtual drive.

12. µTorrent - torrent client.

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Background picture by Lili.

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