P42 Games
Biology Games
P42 Games

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Human Evolution Puzzle Flower Structure Online Puzzle Photosynthesis Puzzle Cell Mitosis Online Puzzle Chromosome Puzzle Educational Game
Human Evolution
Sort the skulls in the timeline evolution diagram.
Flower Puzzle
Interactive flower structure and 9
flower parts.
Sort the elements of the photosynthesis process.
Cell Mitosis
7 phases of cell division in a fun online game.
Sort the parts of the chromosome structure.
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Cell Puzzle Picture Free Download Cell Puzzle Gamepic Play Cell Puzzle Screenshot DNA Puzzle Food Chain Puzzle Biosphere Puzzle Biology Game Interactive Eye Anatomy
Cell Puzzle
Drag and drop the
cell organelles and complete 2 cells.
DNA Puzzle
Sort the four bases Deoxyribonucleic acid strand.
Food Chain
Sort the food chain elements in correct order.
Biosphere Puzzle
Complete the organization of living matter.
Eye Anatomy
Sort the parts of the eye structure diagram.
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Previous Biology Games Biology Learning Puzzles Biology Arcade Games Biology Quizzes Biology Classroom Games Biology Life Cycle Games Anatomy Learning Games Zoology Learning Games Botany Learning Games Biology Practice Tests Biology Online Games for Kids Biology Online Games for Students Next Biology Games

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Biology Online Puzzles Collection.

This collection includes biology games to drag and drop pictures and sort various biological elements in correct places. Fun Biology Puzzles Collection.

All biology puzzles (43):

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Interactive Muscle Groups Puzzle Interactive Muscle Types Puzzle Bones Puzzle picture Interactive Tooth Parts Interactive Teeth Types
Muscle Groups
Sort the muscles on the correct location in the human body.
Muscle Types
Sort the skeletal muscles on the muscle system.
Bones Puzzle
Arrange the bones in the human body and the skull.
Tooth Structure
Sort the parts of the tooth in their correct places.
Teeth Types
Label the 5 types of the human teeth correctly.
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Animals Life Span Puzzle Ocean Depths Puzzle Mosquito Life Cycle Puzzle Butterfly Life Cycle Puzzle Frog Life Cycle Puzzle
Animals Lifespan
Sort the animals in the correct position on the time line.
Ocean Depths
Sort the marine animals in correct deep see zone.
Mosquito Lifecycle
Sort the stages of mosquito life cycle in correct order.
Butterfly Lifecycle
Sort the stages of butterfly life cycle in correct order.
Frog Lifecycle
Arrange the stages of frog life cycle in correct order.
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Chicken Life Cycle Puzzle Cannabis Life Cycle Puzzle Interactive Brain Parts Interactive Cerebral Lobes Interactive Chloroplast Structure
Chicken Lifecycle
Sort the stages of chicken life cycle in correct order.
Cannabis Lifecycle
Sort the stages of cannabis plant life cycle in order.
Brain Puzzle
Sort the parts of the human brain in correct order.
Cerebral Lobes
Sort the lobes of the cerebral brain in correct order.
Sort the parts of the chloroplast in correct positions.
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Human Life Cycle Puzzle Embryo Puzzle Organ Systems Puzzle Taxonomic Ranks Puzzle Multicellular Organisms Puzzle
Human Lifecycle
Sort the major stages of the human development.
Embryo Puzzle
Sort the stages of
the embryonic development.
Organ Systems
Place the organs and cells in their correct body system.
Taxonomic Ranks
Sort the ranks in the taxonomic systems of human and pea.
Multicellular Org.
Study the levels of cell organisation in complex organisms.
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Interactive Ear Anatomy Plant Community Maker Taxonomic Tree of Life Biology Topics Tree Picture Diet Puzzle
Ear Anatomy
Sort the parts of the human ear on the diagram.
Plant Community
Create a plant community of 12 different plants.
Tree of Life
Place the 3 main life domains in the tree
of life.
Biology Tree
What biology
include. Fun online game.
Diet Puzzle
Sort the animals in the correct diet and food behaviour.
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Interactive Immune System Centipedes vs Millipedes Quiz Inheriting Eye Color Puzzle Educational Game Inheriting Hair Color Puzzle Educational Game Ancient Grain Puzzle Botany Game
Immune Cells
Sort the hierarchy of the cells of the immune system.
Centipedes Quiz
Divide the properties of the common myriapods.
Eye Color Puzzle
Interactive genetic inheritance of eye colors.
Hair Color Puzzle
Interactive genetic inheritance of hair colors.
Ancient Grains
Sort the ancient grains by country of origin.
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Food Chain Puzzle
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Biology Puzzles

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