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10 objects by mechanical power.

"Power Comparison" is a free online knowledge level game to sort the objects by their correct power value in Watts. Minute to win it game. Physics learning game, suitable for online classes and interactive lessons. Fun physics educational game to explore and study the orders of magnitude of Power. Part of the Interactive Physics Workshop educational tools. Online physics educational game. To understand the power measure units used in this game, play the Units of Power Game. Free online game for physics homework.

This physics class game include the following objects to compare:
  • Radio signal power of Galileo space probe = 0.5 zW
  • The GPS signal strength at the surface of the Earth = 0.1 fW
  • Average power consumption of a human cell = 1 pW
  • Power consumption of 8-bit PIC microcontroller = 1 nW
  • Laser in a CD-ROM drive = 5 mW
  • A typical bike generator, bicycle dynamo = 100 W
  • Power of a microwave oven = 1.1 kW
  • Mechanical power output of a diesel locomotive = 3 MW
  • Power of a lightning = 1.2 GW
  • Rate of heat energy release by a hurricane = 50 TW
  • Luminosity of the Sun = 300 YW
Power Scale Puzzle

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How to play Power Comparison.

There are 11 round pictures of objectas that emit or consume power, which will appear randomly on the game screen. Drag and drop them in the correct slots according to their approximate power generation or consumption value, situated at the bottom of the screen. Sort all 11 objects to win the game.

Knowledge Achievements:
Know the power of at least 3 things and get +1 Knowledge Level.
Difficulty: Medium.

Interactive Power Comparison

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Class subject: Power Comparison.

According to Wikipedia in 2018, the most powerful thing in the Universe is the Planck power, the basic unit of power in the Planck units. This is a lot of zeroes after the Yottawatt. The most powerful thing on Earth is the Tsar Bomba hydrogen bomb, equal to 5.3 Yottawatts. And the least powerful known thning is the approximate power of gravitational radiation emitted by a 1000 kg satellite in geosynchronous orbit around the Earth, equal to some Yoctowatts.

This interactive lesson may answer the following questions:
  • Which is more powerful?
  • What is the power of a lightning in Wattst?
  • Which is the most powerful thing in the Universe?
  • What is the most powerful thing on Earth?
  • What is the basic formula for power?
  • What is simple power formula?
  • How powerful is a hurricane in watts?
  • What is the power of the sun in watts?
  • What is the least powerful thing?
Galileo space probe png
GPS signal png
human cell png
bicycle dynamo png
microwave oven png
lightning png
hurricane png
Sun png

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