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Interactive Units of Frequency.

"Frequency Units" is a small knowledge level game to sort the units of temporal frequency (hertz) by their equivalents. Physics exercise to explore and study the order of temporal frequency magnitude and temporal frequency measure scale. Fun educational game, suitable for online lessons and interactive classes. Free online game for physics homework. Online physics educational game. Fun physics puzzle.

This physics class game include the following unit equivalents:
  • 1 Picohertz(pHz)
  • 1 Nanohertz (nHz) = 1000 Picohertz
  • 1 Microhertz (µHz) 1000 nHz
  • 1 Millihertz (mHz) 1000 µHz
  • 1 Hertz (Hz) 1000 mHz
  • 1 Kilohertz (kHz) 1000 Hertz
  • 1 Megahertz (MHz) 1000 kHz
  • 1 Gigahertz (GHz) 1000 MHz
  • 1 Terahertz (THz) 1000 GHz
  • 1 Petahertz (PHz) 1000 THz
Interactive Units of Frequency Game

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How to play Frequency Units Puzzle.

There are 9 base units of frequency, marked by the multiples temporal frequency symbol, situated on the left side of the screen. Drag and drop them in their correct equivalent value in the order of magnitude frequency scale to the right of the screen. Arrange all 9 units of temporal frequency to win the game.

Knowledge Achievements:
Know the hertz equivalents and get +1 Knowledge Level.
Difficulty: Medium.

Interactive Units of Frequency Quiz

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Class subject: Frequency Unit.

The hertz (symbol: Hz) is the unit of frequency in the International System of Units (SI) and is defined as one cycle per second. The hertz is an SI derived unit whose expression in terms of SI base units is s-1, meaning that one hertz is the reciprocal of one second. It is named after Heinrich Rudolf Hertz (1857-1894), the first person to provide conclusive proof of the existence of electromagnetic waves.

In computers, most central processing units (CPU) are labeled in terms of their clock rate expressed in megahertz or gigahertz. This specification refers to the frequency of the CPU's master clock signal. This signal is a square wave, which is an electrical voltage that switches between low and high logic values at regular intervals.

This fun physics game may answer the following questions:
  • What is smaller magnitudes of hertz?
  • What is bigger magnitudes of hertz?
  • What is the ascending order of the temporal frequency units?
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