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Campfire Day Game Happy Birthday thumb Watermelon Puzzle    
Campfire Day
Campfire Day is celebrated on first Saturday in August.
Happy Birthday
Have a Birthday during August? You become wiser!
Watermelon Day
The Watermelon Day is celebrated on August 3.
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Campfire Day Puzzle
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August Games Collection. Games for holidays,
which may appear during August.

This collection includes fun games and interactive greeting cards to celebrate remarkable holidays that appear in August month. The whole August is one big holiday. But more August holidays from Wikipedia. Fun August Holiday Games Collection.

All August games (3):

  • Campfire Day - The first Saturday in August is proclaimed to be Campfire Day and Night!
  • Happy August Birthday - Mark the happy August day and celebrate, collecting 100 presents online!
  • Watermelon Day - The Watermelon Day is celebrated on August 3.

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Campfire Day Puzzle
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August Holiday Games

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