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42 elements from a database in a fun online IT learning game.

"Database Puzzle" is a free online knowledge level game to explore and study basic database structure and properties. Minute to win it game. Computer Technology Class for desktop computers, laptops and tablets. Place the database elements in the correct table. IT learning game, suitable for online classes and interactive lessons. Free online educational game. Lesson 1 for 10 grade classroom game.

This fun learning game include the the following data:
  • Table keys: 1. ID 2. Name 3. Family 4. Age 5. City 6. Country
  • key 1: 901 902 903 904 905 906
  • key 2: James Adra Antonio Hans Wang Haruto Alisa
  • key 3: Smith Alluri Garcia Vogel Chan Tanaka Popova
  • key 4: 21 38 42 79 98 53 18
  • key 5: New York Mumbai Madrid Leipzig Tianjin Tokyo Moscow
  • key 6: USA India Spain Germany China Japan Russia
Database Puzzle Picture

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How to play Database Puzzle.

The game will generate 42 data elements with a random position at the top of the screen. Every element may fit in one position in the database table at the center of the screen. Drag and drop the elements on the correct table position. Sort all 42 element pieces to win the game.

Knowledge Achievements:
Know a simple database table structure and get +1 Knowledge Level.
Difficulty: Medium.

Database Puzzle Screenshot

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