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Online test over 8 grade Computer Technology curriculum.

"8 IT Curriculum Test" is a free online knowledge level test for finishing Information Technology 8 grade course.
The online test include 18 questions with integrated evaluation system from 8 grade IT curriculum: social networks, internet search, computer history, units of information, hardware, operating systems, mobile generations and more. It is part of the Interactive Computer Tools educational games. Computers learning test, suitable for online classes and interactive lessons. Free online test.

This IT class test include the following questions and answers:
  • 1. Which of the sites is a social network?
    - Google
    - Facebook
    - Wikipedia

  • 2. What does "-" symbol do in web search?
    - Search hashtags
    - Search for an exact match
    - Exclude words from search

  • 3. Which of the following is an educational website?
    - Facebook
    - Wikipedia
    - Google

  • 4. When were 8 bit computers popular?
    - 1940
    - 1980
    - 2000

  • 5. What is the right RAM memory size?
    - 8 Mhz
    - 8 GB
    - 8 FLOPS

  • 6. How many Kb is 2 Mb?
    - 2048
    - 2000
    - 2480

  • 7. Which is the Windows before Windows XP?
    - Windows 8
    - Windows X1
    - Windows 98

  • 8. Which is the most stable OS?
    - Linux
    - Mac
    - Windows

  • 9. What is true for G2 mobile generation?
    - Transmit only voice
    - Send SMS and MMS
    - Use internet

  • 10. Which of the following is a peripheral device?
    - Printer
    - RAM
    - Google Chrome

  • 11. Where do you install games?
    - C:
    - D:
    - D:\games\

  • 12. Which of the following is a software?
    - Printer
    - RAM
    - Google Chrome

  • 13. Which of the following is an archive program?
    - Google Chrome
    - Avira
    - Winzip

  • 14. Which of the files has the best compression?
    - Document.doc
    - Movie.avi
    - Picture.jpg

  • 15. Which of the files has the worst compression?
    - Text.txt
    - Picture.jpg
    - Document.doc

  • 16. What does LAN means?
    - Leocal Area News
    - Leading American Network
    - Local Area Network

  • 17. Which domain is used for educastional websites?
    - .biz
    - .edu
    - .org

  • 18. To have a website you need:
    - Domain and hosting
    - Only hosting
    - Domain and computer abilities
8 IT Curriculum Test

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How to solve 8 IT Curriculum Test.

Read carefully the question and select one of three answers at the bottom of the screen. The selected answer is the framed one. The school mark begins to count from bottom, so do not panic when you see a poor mark.

Knowledge Achievements:
Achieve basic IT 8 grade and get +1 Knowledge Level.
Difficulty: Medium.

8 IT Curriculum Test Screenshot

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