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Play The Milky Way Maze Online

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The location of the Sun in our galaxy.

"The Milky Way Maze" is a free online knowledge level game, about the Earth's location in the Milky Way galaxy. A small maze game for desktop computers, laptops and tablets, which may be played in the web browser. Move with the mouse and avoid the labyrinth walls. The Astronomy Knowledge Board include a small size maze to play with. The game is part of the Interactive Astronomy Observatory educational tools.

This fun education class may answer some of the following questions:
  • Where is the sun situated in the Milky Way galaxy ?
  • Where Earth appear in the galaxy ?
The Milky Way Maze Picture

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How to play The Milky Way Maze.

When the game begins, the mouse pointer will turn in to a space ship. Move the mouse through the labyrinth avoiding contact with the walls an reach planet Earth's location .

Knowledge Achievements:
Know where the Sun appear in the galaxy.
Difficulty: Medium.
Winning the game rewards +1 Knowledge Level on Planeta 42.

The Milky Way Maze Screenshot

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Application Content:

Picture by NASA/JPL-Caltech/ESO/R. Hurt -, Public Domain,

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