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Learn 5 ideas for delicious sandwiches.

"Sandwich Puzzle" is a small online game to Sort the correct ingredients on 5 different sandwiches. Culinary exercise to learn ideas for delicious sandwiches. Fun cooking game, suitable for online lessons and interactive classes. Make sandwich online.

This fun learning game include the following ingredients:
  • Butter
  • Cheese
  • Sunflower Oil
  • Tomatoes
  • Pate
  • Salami
  • Mayonnaise
  • Olives
  • Chocolate Spread
  • Banana
Sandwich Puzzle Picture

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How to play Sandwich Puzzle.

There are 5 sandwiches in the center on the screen. Every sandwich consists of two ingredients - one in green, ana one in blue. Avalable ingredients are situated at the top of the screen. Drag and drop them in the appropriate green or blue slot on the correct sandwich. Finish all 5 sandwiches to win the game. Do it in less than 15 tries for a good mark.

Knowledge Achievements:
Know 5 sandwiches and get +1 Knowledge Level.
Difficulty: Medium.

Sandwich Puzzle Screenshot

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Class subject: Make a Sandwich.

Sandwiches are awesome fast food, especially for computer dudes. It is amazing how many many types of sandwiches are there and this game include 5 of them:

A slice of bread + Butter + Cheese: May be the most popular sandwisch (in my neighborhood). It is awesome with toast slice and a little color salt.

A slice of bread + Sunflower Oil + Tomatoes: This summer sandwich is light and fast to make and eat. At first I also was sceptical to try it, but it is awesome with a little table salt.

A slice of bread + Pate + Salami: This is a heavy meal sandwich. This sandwich is the biggest enemy of hunger.

A slice of bread + Mayonnaise + Olives: Mayonnaise sandwiches are my favorites. It goes with almost anything I can think about, well except chocolate may be. And a very popular combination for mayonnaise sandwich are olives.

A slice of bread + Chocolate Spread + Banana: I was really curious what ingredient goes with a pure sandwich with a chocolate spred. Had many fun and strange ideas from friends and the team, and finnaly tried the banana slices. It's cool and it's in the game.

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