Sandwiches are awesome fast food, especially for computer dudes. It is amazing how many many types of sandwiches are there and this game include 5 of them:
A slice of bread + Butter + Cheese: May be the most popular sandwisch (in my neighborhood). It is awesome with toast slice and a little color salt.
A slice of bread + Sunflower Oil + Tomatoes: This summer sandwich is light and fast to make and eat. At first I also was sceptical to try it, but it is awesome with a little table salt.
A slice of bread + Pate + Salami: This is a heavy meal sandwich. This sandwich is the biggest enemy of hunger.
A slice of bread + Mayonnaise + Olives: Mayonnaise sandwiches are my favorites. It goes with almost anything I can think about, well except chocolate may be. And a very popular combination for mayonnaise sandwich are olives.
A slice of bread + Chocolate Spread + Banana: I was really curious what ingredient goes with a pure sandwich with a chocolate spred. Had many fun and strange ideas from friends and the team, and finnaly tried the banana slices. It's cool and it's in the game.