"Cones" is a free online yard game to shoot paper cones with tubes. Move up and down with arrow keys and shoot a paper cone with space bar. Hit every player from the enemy team 9 times. Sport games in the browser. Yard learning game. Online shooting game. Paper cones game.
The fun cones game include:
Team 1
Player 1
Player 2 - you
Player 3
Team 2
Player 4
Player 5
Player 6
Program code by Ogo Bob. Pictures by Ogo Bob.
How to play Cones Game.
There are two teams to play the yard game paper cones. You take control of player 2, flagged by a red belt. Move up and down with arrow keys and shoot a paper cone with space bar. You can not move while you are shooting. Every player have 9 hits, then he leaves the game. If all player from a team leave the game the other team wins.
Knowledge Achievements:
Know the paper cone yard game and win +1 Knowledge Level.
Difficulty: Easy.