Class subject: Statistics.
Statistics operations included in this board are averages and percentages:
Finding a GPA (Average Grade) in school:
This is the sum of all included subjects grades, divided by the number of the subjects.
For example (Mathematics + Physics + Geography + Chemistry + Sports + Biology) divided by six,
because they are 6 subjects.
Finding player or team General Score: This is again the sum of all data multiplied by the player coefficient, where coefficient may be the morale, experience and the form of the player and it is maximum 1. For example (Tackling+Passing+Shoot+Dribbling+Head shot+Speed) * 0.6
Finding the winner after elections: To find out the political party percentage after the vote we take the number of people voted for it, divide it by the number of all voters and multiply it by 100.
Pictures for political statistics used in this game:
Democrats Party |
Socialists Party |
Centrists Party |
Green Party |
Pacifists Party |
Game icons