P42 Wirtschaftsspiele P42 Spaß-Bildungsspiele P42 Erhöhen Sie die Wissensstufen
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Economic Puzzles Economic Classroom Games Finances Games Banknote Games Economic Coin Games Economic Board Games Wirtschaftsspiele for Kids Wirtschaftsspiele for Students

Soziale Klassen Puzzle
Mindestgehalt nach Land 2020
Durchschnittsgehalt nach Ländern 2020
Münzen fangen
Finanzen für Kinder
Die 4 Währungen
Dollar Puzzle
Euro Puzzle
Pound Puzzle
Yen Puzzle
Yuan Puzzle
Ruble Puzzle
Lev Puzzle
Interest Rate Calculator
Dig for Ancient Coins
Coins Match Game
Thracian Treasure
Lentil Coins Illusion
Maslow Pyramid
Math Money

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Kostenlose Online-Spiele über Finanzen.

Wirtschaftsspiele zur Erforschung und Untersuchung der Finanzen. Mehr als 15 Lernspiele zum Erlernen von Finanzen zu verschiedenen wirtschaftlichen Themen, die für unterhaltsame, interaktive Bildung und Prüfung verwendet werden können.

Alle Wirtschaftsspiele (23):

  • Mindestgehalt 2020 - Sort the minimum salary by correct country.
  • Durchschnittsgehalt 2020 - Interactive comparison of 10 countries by average wage.
  • Wirtschaftsbaum - Sort the economics properties on the tree of knowledge.
  • Soziale Klassen Puzzle - Drag and drop the jobs in the correct social-economic class.
  • Münzen fangen - Move with arrow keys and catch all US dollar coins.
  • Finanzen für Kinder - Can you reach the last square with no debt and good income?
  • Die 4 Währungen - Know the symbols of the four most common currencies.
  • Dollar Puzzle - 40 pieces square rotating puzzle to reveal how the US dollar looks like.
  • Euro Puzzle - Sort the picture with 5, 10 and 20 euro bills for Europe Union.
  • Pound Puzzle - Arrange the squares to reveal how the Great Britain pound bill looks like.
  • Yen Puzzle - Rotate the squares to complete 3 Japanese yen bills back and front.
  • Yuan Puzzle - 5x8 standard square rotating puzzle with the Chinese bills.
  • Ruble Puzzle - Sort the puzzle to reveal how the Russian ruble looks like.
  • Lev Puzzle - Complete the picture to see how the BG lev looks like.
  • Interest Rate Calculator - Calculate interest rate online. Virtual interest rate calculator.
  • Passives - Move with the mouse and avoid loans, mortgages, debts and ignorance, which represent undesirable personal finances, called Passives.
  • Actives - Move with the mouse and get investments, savings, property and knowledge, which represent desirable personal finances, called Actives.
  • Dig for Ancient Coins - Excavate the ruins for old coins.
  • Coins Match Game - Spielt with ancient coins.
  • Thracian Treasure - Find the treasure of the ancient Thracians.
  • Lentil Coins Illusion - Search for 15 hidden coins among the lentil beans. Optical illusion game.
  • Maslow Pyramid - Study the hierarchy of the human need. What makes you happy?
  • Math Money - What is the sum of the banknotes in the last line of the system equations?
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