P42 Mathematik Lernspiele P42 Spaß-Bildungsspiele P42 Erhöhen Sie die Wissensstufen
p42 Kostenlose Lernspiele Planeta 42 Spiele p42 Interaktive Mathematikausbildung Mathematikspielen

Math Puzzle Games Math Arcades Math Quests Math Classroom Games Interactive Worksheets Multiplication Games Geometry Games Math Converters and Generators Probability Games Math Tests Math for Kids Math for Students

Multiplikationstabelle Puzzle
Edelsteine Multiplikationstabelle
Mathe Fußball
Flußüberquerung Puzzle
Grundlegende Geometrie
Mathe Flaggen
Virtuelle Würfel
Multiplikationstabelle 9 Times
Multiplikationstabelle 8 Times
Multiplikationstabelle 7 Times
Multiplikationstabelle 6 Times
Multiplikationstabelle 5 Times
Multiplikationstabelle 4 Times
Multiplikationstabelle 3 Times
Multiplikationstabelle 2 Times
Crowd Count
Math StarCraft 2
Math StarCraft
Math Tree
Arithmetics Exercise
Addition Quest
Isometric Hunt
Random Walk
Pi Puzzle
Averages Calculator
Circle Calculator
Lottery Generator
Math Test for 1 Grade
Math Test Subtract 10
Math Test for 2 Grade
Math Test Subtract 100
Math Test for 3 Grade
Math Fruits
Math Flowers
Math Birds
Math Drinks
Math Moons
Math Cells
Math Compounds
Math Dinosaurs
Math Foods
Math Planets
Math Computers
Math Cars
Math Sports
Math Money
Lazy Calculator

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Kostenlose Online-Spiele über Mathematik.

Mathe-Spiele zum Erkunden und Studieren der Zahlen. Mehr als 40 Online-Spiele, die sich auf verschiedene mathematische Probleme beziehen und für Spaß, interaktive Bildung und Prüfung verwendet werden können.

Alle Mathematikspielen (50):

  • Edelsteine Multiplikationstabelle - Collect colorful gems to fill the multiplication table numbers.
  • Multiplikationstabelle Puzzle - Sort the numbers by color on the multiplication table.
  • Mathe Fußball - Solve equations with one unknown on the football field. Fun math quiz 2 grade.
  • Virtuelle Würfel - Online dice results. Here is one of many.
  • Grundlegende Geometrie - Identify the most basic geometric figures by name.
  • Math Tree - Sort the mathematics branches on the tree of knowledge.
  • Arithmetics Exercise - Find the correct answer in the hexagonal patterns.
  • Statistics - Complete the formulas for basic statistical equations.
  • Addition Quest - Walk through the fantasy lands using your ability to count.
  • Percentages - Find out where percentage are used.
  • Isometric Hunt - Find, collect and learn the isometric figures.
  • Random Walk - Fun game to explore and predict Brownian motion.
  • Pi Puzzle - Sort out the 9 digits after 3.14 in correct order.
  • Averages Calculator - Find and calculate average value for different statistics.
  • Circle Calculator - Find and calculate radius, circumference and diameter by one known value.
  • Lottery Generator - Generate 5 random number and calculate winning period for 5/35 lottery.
  • Math Test for 1 Grade - Sum of two numbers from 0 to 10.
  • Math Test Subtract 10 - Difference of two single numbers. Subtraction from 0 to 10.
  • Math Test for 2 Grade - Sum of two double numbers. Addition from 0 to 100.
  • Math Test Subtract 100 - Difference of two double numbers. Subtraction from 0 to 100.
  • Math Test for 3 Grade - Multiplier of two single numbers. Multiplication from 0 to 10.
  • Math Fruits - Find the missing number in the last line of the combinational fruits equations.
  • Math Flowers - Interactive algebraic systems with 9 lovely flowers.
  • Math Birds - Solve the combinational equations using math and logic skills.
  • Math Drinks - Fun math test with pictures of drinks that have 3 unknown values.
  • Math Moons - Find the missing number of the combinational equations with 3 unknown values.
  • Math Cells - Interactive math worksheet with biology cells to solve algebraic equations.
  • Math Compounds - Mathematical quiz with pictures of popular chemical compounds.
  • Math Dinosaurs - Find the missing number in the last line of the dinosaurs equations.
  • Mathe Flaggen - Solve the popular algebraic equations using math and logic skills.
  • Math Foods - What is the sum of the foods in the last line of the algebraic system equation?
  • Math Planets - Interactive math worksheet with the planets of the Solar System.
  • Math Computers - What is the sum of the PC components in the last line of the equation?
  • Math Cars - Interactive math worksheet with pictures of automobiles.
  • Math Sports - Fun math quiz with pictures of sport balls and sport equipment.
  • Math Money - What is the sum of the banknotes in the last line of the system equations?
  • Math StarCraft - Type the correct answer of the conditional equation with StarCraft units.
  • Math StarCraft 2 - Find the correct answer of the conditional equation with StarCraft 2 units.
  • Crowd Count - Fun math counting practice and exercise for kids.
  • Multiplikationstabelle 2 Times - Sort the numbers in the multiplication table of 2. Interactive two times table with mini calculator to multiply by 2.
  • Multiplikationstabelle 3 Times - Sort the numbers in the multiplication table of 3. Interactive three times table with mini calculator to multiply by 3.
  • Multiplikationstabelle 4 Times - Sort the numbers in the multiplication table of 4. Interactive four times table with mini calculator to multiply by 4.
  • Multiplikationstabelle 5 Times - Sort the numbers in the multiplication table of 5. Interactive five times table with mini calculator to multiply by 5.
  • Multiplikationstabelle 6 Times - Sort the numbers in the multiplication table of 6. Interactive six times table with mini calculator to multiply by 6.
  • Multiplikationstabelle 7 Times - Sort the numbers in the multiplication table of 7. Interactive seven times table with mini calculator to multiply by 7.
  • Multiplikationstabelle 8 Times - Sort the numbers in the multiplication table of 8. Interactive eight times table with mini calculator to multiply by 8.
  • Multiplikationstabelle 9 Times - Sort the numbers in the multiplication table of 9. Interactive nine times table with mini calculator to multiply by 9.
  • Lazy Calculator - Shorten the time of input and calculations when using simple arithmetics.
  • Flußüberquerung Puzzle - Help the family to cross the river with the boat.
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