P42 Games
P42 Knowledge Levels
P42 Games

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Wanderer Badge
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Planeta 42 Fun Knowledge Levels and rewarding badges for completing games.

Mastering Planeta 42 Games, You increase in Knowledge Level.
When you complete any of Planeta 42 education games, your level will be increased with plus one. The overall level include acquaintance in Knowledge, Science and Lore.

Levels are saved as cookies.
Levels are saved as cookies. If the browser is reinstalled, or the computer changed, the Levels may be lost. But worry not, every time the Levels need rebuilding, it will be faster, because You will be smarter! Because of this technology, there is no registration required on Planeta 42, and yet the knowledge achievements can be saved. The download versions of the games comes with embedded player, but they will increase the local computer levels only, and not that on Planeta 42 website.

High Levels will unlock fun Ranks and hidden games.
Ranks and Badges
Check level icon when level is increased. For every 5 levels, a fun game may be unlocked.
Check rank icon for achieved fun ranks. Ranks are badges given by Planeta 42 authority.

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levels frame

Your current Rank is

01 Wanderer Badge
Hidden Game for Level 0 - 5
game panel

fun knowledge

knowledge levels screen
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