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Interactive online map of petroleum production. World map of oil resources yield for 2016 exercise.

"World Oil Production" is a free online knowledge level game to find which world region produce most barrles of oil in 2016. Interactive world map of petroleum production. Click on a region on the map to dig for oil, and collect 50 millions barrels per day. A small educational game for desktop computers, laptops and tablets, which may be played in the web browser. The Geography Knowledge Board include world map and 32 hidden places to play with. The game is part of the Interactive World Maps educational tools.

This fun learning game may answer some of the following questions:
  • Which country produce most petroleum?
  • How many barrels of oil are produced per day?
  • What are oil yield rates for 2016?
  • Where to dig for oil?
World Oil Production Picture

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How to play World Oil Production.

There is the map of the world and 20 shovels on the top right of the screen. Click on the locations of the map to see how many barrels of oil that region produce per day. The ammount of the oil production will be added in the bottom counter and one shovel will be lost. The purpose is to collect 50 millions of barrels per day, before you run out of shovels. The amount and locations are approximate and some regions will yield 0 oli to make the exercise more difficult. The exact amounts of oil production by country are in the "class subject" section.

Knowledge Achievements:
Know the five countries that produce the most oil in 2016 and get +1 Knowledge Level.

World Oil Production Screenshot

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