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Give the balls to the correct sportist.

"Sports Puzzle" is a free online learning game to sort the the object belonging to the correct sportist and sportsman. Fun learning game about sports equipment. Know popular sport tools. Drag and drop sport equipment. Sports learning game.

The fun sports class game include the following sports:
  • Basketball player - Basketball ball
  • Soccer player - Football ball
  • Hockey player - Hockey stick
  • Volleyball Player - Volleyball ball
  • Tennis player - Tennis ball
  • Curling player - Curling stone
  • Table ̉ennis - Paddle
  • Fencing - Rapier
  • Weightlifting - Hoist

Program code by Ogo Bob. Pictures by

Sports Puzzle Picture

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How to play Sports Puzzle.

There are 9 objects that sportists use in tournament games on the top of the screen. Drag and drop them at the correct player in the middle of the screen. Every object correspond to one sport. Roll over the sport player ti see the name of the sport. Sort all the equipment to win the game.

Knowledge Achievements:
Know sport equipment and win +1 Knowledge Level.
Difficulty: Easy.

Sports Puzzle Screenshot

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Class subject: Sport Equipment.

Sporting equipment, also called sporting goods, has various forms depending on the sport, but it is essential to complete the sport. The equipment ranges from balls, to nets, and to protective gear like helmets. Sporting equipment can be used as protective gear or as tool used to help the athletes play the sport. Over time, sporting equipment has evolved because sports have started to require more protective gear to prevent injuries. Sporting equipment may be found in any department store. The ball is often what a sport requires and revolves around. A sports ball is typically round, but can also be in the shape of a prolate spheroid in the case of an American football or a rugby ball. Sports are often named after the ball used, such as football, American football, baseball and basketball, or the ball is named after the sport. Flying discs are used for various games such as freestyle, disc golf and ultimate. Racquets are used for racquet sports such as tennis, squash and badminton. Sticks are used for sports such as hockey and lacrosse. Bats are used for sports such as baseball and cricket. Clubs are used mainly for golf.

This fun educational game may answer some of the following questions:
  • What is the equipment used in curling?
  • What is the equipment used by hockey players?
  • Which sports uses balls?
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