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Interactive personalities and emotions.
"The Emotions Quest" is a free online knowledge level game about the personal attitudes and expectations. Reach the last castle playing with fun cards. A short role playing game for desktop computers,
laptops and tablets, which may be played in the web browser.
The Psychology Knowledge Board include 18 emotion cards to play with.
It is part of the Interactive Mind Studies educational tools.
This fun education class may answer some of the following questions:
Waht to expect from frendly character attitude?
Waht to expect from neutral character attitude?
Waht to expect from suspicious character attitude?
Waht to expect from hostile character attitude?
How to deal with neutral personalities?
How to deal with friendly personalities?
How to deal with hostile personalities?
How to play Personality Attitudes.
Like most quest games, we appear in a fantasy lands ruled by five castle guards. To pass through, we need to beat the guards in a simple card game, where we match the reaction card of the opponent. Every castle guard
have a different attitude. For example, a Friendly Personality can not play Treachery, Suspicion, Envy, Anxiety,
Hate and Anger cards. A hostile personality can not play Inspire, Admire and Friendship cards, and so on.
But first we need to check some locations on the map to collect reaction cards. When we find the random cards, they will be collected in the bag, situated down left of the screen. Clicking the bag will open it, and from there we
can click a reaction card we have, to set it active. When all hidden places around a castle are found, we enter the fight by clicking on the castle icon. When the opponent is ready with her reaction card, a "Play" and "Pass"
buttons will become active. If we have set the same card as the guard, we play it. If we do not have the card, we choose to Pass and the opponent will change her reaction card. The deeper castle guards will play more cards. When the last castle is conquered, we win.
Knowledge Achievements:
Know 5 different pesronality attitudes.
Winning the game rewards +1 Knowledge Level.
Class subject: Personality.
If you have already played all those cool turn based strategy games, you have noticed that your opponents get frendly or hostile, according (or not always) to your actions. It is the same in life. Some people will get frendlier or more hostile for not argumentable reason and some according to your actions. In this class we devide them to 5 personality attitudes.
1. Hostile Attitude. In this game Hostile characters tend to play bad cards. They can not play Joy, Hope, Inspire, Admire and Friendship.
2. Suspicious Attitude. In this game Suspicion characters tend to play all varieties of cards, except Inspire, Admire and Friendship.
3. Neutral Attitude. In this game Neutral personalities can play any cards.
4. Friendly Attitude. In this game Friendly characters tend to play good cards.
They can not play Treachery, Suspision, Envy, Anxiety, Hate and Anger.
5. Fan Attitude. In this game Fan characters tend to play good cards.
They can not play Treachery, Suspision, Envy, Anxiety, Hate and Anger.