This fun class follows a situation, where one man sit on the hat of another man on the park bench.
1. In the first scene the hat belong to a man who immediately become very engry. He can not believe someone have sit oh his hat. Let's call them Restlessers.
Restlessers are easily irritated and tend to make every situation into a conflict. They appear to be major Choleric in temperament.
2. In the secon scene the hat belong to a man who carelessly look at his folded hat and in the end he seems to not even care that his hat have got hard times. Let's call them Carelessers.
Carelessers are calm people, who tend to ignore social situations. They appear to be major Phlegmatic in temperament.
3. In the third scene the hat belong to a person, who become very sad, like his world is falling apart. In a way this is a characterisitc af all soup series actors. Let's call them Dramers.
Dramers are sad people, who tend to make every situation into a drama. They appear to be major Melancholic in temperament.
4. In the fourth scene the hat belong to a man who react very friendly and even made the unfortunate situation in to a laughter. Let's call them Jokers.
Jokers are joyful people, who tend to make every situation into a joke. They appear to be major Sanguine in temperament.
For the temperaments explanations see the
Temperaments class game