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Intelligence quotient test variant 4.

"Logic Tiles" is another free online knowledge game to train skills in Intelligence Quotient. It is the fourth part of Logic Figure tests, with different figures and logics. This fun game is suitable for desktop computers, laptops and tablets. The Interactive Knowledge Board include 42 logic tiles and 7 patterns to play with.

This fun multimedia may answer some of the following questions:
  • How to practice intelligence quotient tests with logic figures?
  • What do IQ tests with figures include?
Logic Tiles Picture

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How to play Logic Tiles

Drag and drop the correct tile in the missing slot on the figures matrix. There are 6 different tiles with strange shapes to the left. And the logic matrix is to the right. Choose one tile, which you think will fit properly. Observe the patterns by rows and by columns. Look for similarities, basic figures, counts and rotations, overlays and others. Cover the figures in different order. Usually the logic goes from left to right. Here it is opposite. There are 7 extra tries that gives advantage in this fun p42 test. In the real tests thought, there are no extra tries.

Knowledge Achievements:
Master the logic behind IQ figure tests.
Winning the game rewards +1 Knowledge Level.

Logic Tiles Screenshot

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Application Content:

Some figures included in this game are:

Tile 1
Tile 2
Tile 3
Tile 4
Tile 5
Tile 1
Tile 2
Tile 3
Tile 4
Tile 5

Pictures and logics by J. Vasileva.

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