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Interactive Spanish alphabet.

"Spanish Alphabet Puzzle" is a free online knowledge level game to study or exercise the Spanish Alphabet.
Every letter have a Spanish word beginning with it. A short puzzle game for desktop computers, laptops and tablets, which may be played in the web browser. The Language Knowledge Board include 30 letters to play with. Part of the Interactive Learning Classroom educational tools.

This interactive lesson may answer some of the following questions:
  • How many letters does the Spanish alphabet have?
  • Which is the 12th letter from the alphabet?
  • How many letters have the Spanish alphabet?
Spanish Alphabet Puzzle Picture

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How to play Spanish Alphabet Puzzle.

This is a simple drag and drop mosaic puzzle. Place the letters from the upper part of the screen, on their correct number in the spanish alphabet panel. Some words may be hidden one under another and will be revealed in time. There is a timer for examination, which may be turned off.

Knowledge Achievements:
Know a difference the the Spanish alphabet.
Winning the game rewards +1 Knowledge Level.

Spanish Alphabet Puzzle Screenshot

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Class subject: Spanish alphabet.

1. A, Abeja
2. B, Búho
3. C, Calabasa
4. E,  Delfín
5 E, Escuela
6. F, Faco
7. G, Gato
8. H, Helado
9. I, Iglesia
10. J, Jirafa
11. K, Koala
12. L, León
13. M, Manzana
14. N, Naranja
15. Ñ, Ñandú
16. O, Oveja
17. P, Perro
18. Q, Queso
19. R, Rana
20. S, Sol
21. T, Tortuga
22. U, Uvas
23. V, Vaca
24. W, Wok
25. X, Xilófono
26. Y, Yema
27. Z, Zanahoria

Digraph - Ch, Chocolate
Digraph - Ll, Llave
Digraph - Rr, Fierro

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