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49 German words of animals interactive learning.

"German Words for Animals" is a free online knowledge level game to test or learn the German words of 49 animals. Read the words and click on the matching image. Help is available after a while. A small misaic game for desktop computers, laptops and tablets, which may be played in the web browser.

This interactive lesson may answer some of the following questions:
  • What are the german words for popular animals?
German Words for Animals Picture

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How to play German Words for Animals.

A random german word will appear on the upper part of the screen in the white lined field. Read the word and click on the matching animal image. Every correct german word will give one "paw" and every wrong click will take one. You need 26 "paws" to win the game.

Knowledge Achievements:
Know 15 animals in German.
Difficulty: Medium.
Winning the game rewards +1 Knowledge Level.

German Words for Animals Screenshot

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Class subject: German words of animals.

This fun mosaic game, is a small challenge for your knowledge of German language. The included words are:

1. Antilope
2. Ameise
3. Gürteltier
4. Biene
5. Käfer
6. Vogel
7. Schmetterling
8. Kamel
9. Katze
10. Raupe
11. Kuh
12. Krabbe
13. Kran
14. Krokodil
15. Hirsch
16. Dinosaurier
17. Hund
18. Delphin
19. Esel
20. Libelle
21. Adler
22. Regenwurm
23. Elefant
24. Fisch
25. Fuchs
26. Frosch
27. Giraffe
28. Ziege
29. Igel
30. Pferd
31. Hyäne
32. Jaguar
33. Känguru
34. Löwe
35. Eidechse
36. Affe
37. Maus
38. Eule
39. Panda
40. Schwein
41. Kaninchen
42. Siegel
43. Hai
44. Schaf
45. Schnecke
46. Spinne
47. Schwan
48. Wal
49. Wolf

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