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9th Grade Information Technology Test on Local Area Networks.

"Local Networks Test" is a free online knowledge level test for IT and Informatics 9 grade, the structure of Local Area Networks with school mark generation. A small 18 question online test for desktop computers, laptops and tablets, which may be solved online in the web browser. The IT Knowledge Board include 18 fun questions with integrated evaluation system. The test is part of the Interactive Computer Tools educational games. It is cumulative with the LAN Puzzle.

This fun IT test may be used in:
  • 9 grade classes for evaluation or theoretical lessons.
Local Networks Test Picture

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How to play Local Networks Test.

Read carefully the question and select one of three answers. Every question has only one correct answer.

Knowledge Achievements:
Basic LAN level.
Grades more than B rewards +1 Knowledge Level.

Local Networks Test Screenshot

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Class Subject: LAN structure exam.

This test may be used as computer networking worksheets, exercises on computer network and communication exam, interactive networks worksheets answers online, study types of network connections, learn different types of networking and solve types of network test. Here are all the questions in the test, withowt the answers:

1. What does LAN means?

A) Local Area Network.
B) Metropolitan Area Network.
C) Wide Area Network.

2. What does MAN means?

A) Local Area Network.
B) Metropolitan Area Network.
C) Wide Area Network.

3. What does WAN means?

A) Local Area Network.
B) Metropolitan Area Network.
C) Wide Area Network.

4. What does SAN means?

A) Storage-Area Network.
B) Campus Area Network.
C) Wireless Local Area Network.

5. What does WLAN means?

A) Storage-Area Network.
B) Campus Area Network.
C) Wireless Local Area Network.

6. What does CAN means?

A) Storage-Area Network.
B) Campus Area Network.
C) Wireless Local Area Network.

7. What type of cabel is needed to connect 2 computers?

A) Optical Cabel.
B) Copper Cable.
C) Twisted Pair.

8. Select the correct IP adress.

B) 192.161222.85

9. Select the correct subnet mask.


10. Select the correct statement.

A) Connections between computers are made with telepathic cards.
B) Connections between computers are made with LAN cards.
C) Connections between computers are made with MAN cards.

11. Select the correct statement.

A) LAN cards do not needs drivers to work.
B) LAN Cards are unbreakable part of the main board.
C) LAN cards needs drivers to work.

12. Select the correct statement.

A) LAN cards can be used to play multiplayer games.
B) No LAN card is needed to play multiplayer games.
C) There is no multiplayer games! I live in the jungle :p

13. Select the correct statement.

A) Every computer have a LAN card.
B) LAN cards are software.
C) LAN cards are hardware.

14. Select the correct statement.

A) I can access the internet without a LAN card.
B) To access the internet I need a LAN card.
C) The internet is a top secret US government experiment for zombies.

15. Select the correct statement.

A) LANs can maintain connections with other LANs via leased lines.
B) LANs can not maintain connections with other LANs via leased lines.
C) LANs can not maintain connections with other LANs across the Internet.

16. Select the correct statement.

A) Early commercial LAN technologies were developed in the 1990s.
B) Early commercial LAN technologies were developed in the 1980s.
C) Early commercial LAN technologies were developed in the 1970s.

17. Select the correct statement.

A) Conecting more computers in a network is done by buttons.
B) Conecting more computers in a network is done by switches.
C) Conecting more computers in a network is done by levers.

18. Select the correct statement.

A) Every local network need a server.
B) Not every local network needs a server
C) Every local network needs at least 2 servers.

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