Class Subject: IT 6 Grade Curriculum.
Although most countries have different curriculums, according to their educational system, some of the topics are naturaly learned till 6 grade everywhere. Here is how part of a typical Information Technology Curriculum for 6 grade looks like in European Union countries for 2020:
Topic 1. Information - definition, properties, types and data carriers.
Topic 2. Information units - bytes, megabytes, terabytes.
Topic 3. Operating systems - function, types, user interface, control panel.
Topic 4. File structure and data organization - programs for file browsing, files and folders.
Theme 5. Types of file formats - text, documents, graphics, presentations, video, sound, archive.
Topic 6. Data carriers- diskette, disk, flash memory.
Topic 7. Entering and Editing Text - Change language, edit and format text, save text.
Topic 8. Inserting and formatting graphic images.
Topic 9. Finding and replacing text - why it is useful, shortcuts.
Topic 10. Page Formatting and Printing - Sheet Orientation, Text Box Size, Page Numbering.
Topic 11. Basic image file formats - .gif .jpg .bmp
Topic 12. Image scanning - scanning hardware, scanning software, dpi.
Topic 13. Digital Photography - Resolution.
Theme 14. Image Properties - Contrast, Brightness, Dimensions,
Theme 15. Animated images - essence, formats.
Topic 16. Basic ways to access the Internet - modem, router, access, username, password.
Topic 17. Internet communication - real-time chat, profile, nickname, account.
Topic 18. Copyright on the Internet - attribution, no derivative works, share alike, non-commercial