There are 7 distinct continents currently on planet Earth. Some times North and South America are combined in the continent of America. And sometimes Asia and Europe are combined in the continent of Eurasia. Oceania is a geopolitical region consist of most of the islands in the Pacific Ocean and grouped together with the continent of Australia. A continent is one of several very large landmasses of the world. Generally identified by convention rather than any strict criteria, up to seven regions are commonly regarded as continents.
This geography learning game may answer the following questions:
- Where is Asia continent situated on the world map?
- Where is North America continent situated on the world map?
- Where is South America continent situated on the world map?
- Where is Africa continent situated on the world map?
- Where is Europe continent situated on the world map?
- Where is Australia continent situated on the world map?
- Where is Antarctica continent situated on the world map?