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18 major financial subjects interactive learning.

The "Financial Topics Tree" is a free online knowledge level game, about the subjects of Finances, fields of study, financial sub-disciplines, key ideas and concepts. Drag and drop the round pictures in the finances tree. A small mosaic game for desktop computers, laptops and tablets, which may be played in the web browser.
The Economics Knowledge Board include include 18 pictures of finances to play with. Part of the Interactive Personal Finances educational tools.

This fun education game may answer some of the following questions:

1. What finances include?
2. How many subjects do finances study?
3. Which are the financial study topics?
4. What is finances?
5. How many fields of finances are there?
6. Which are the financial branches?
7. Which are the financial sub-disciplines?
8. What is the financial tree of subjects?

Financial Topics Tree Picture

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How to play Financial Topics Tree.

There are 18 stylized pictures of different acpects of finances, on the top of the screen. Roll over the selected pictograph reveals the name of the financial subject, and a little information about it. Every financial icon is in different set of colors, which sign the topic group. The main tree is in the middle, and the empty sockets are colored in group colors as well. Drag the finance pictogram and drop it over the appropriate socket color on the tree. The pictures will remain active, until arranged correctly. There is a small counter to the bottom right. It is used only for evaluation in fun classes and will not affect the knowledge level achievement.

Knowledge Achievements:
Know 18 intersting and useful things about finances.
Winning the game rewards +1 Knowledge Level.

Financial Topics Tree Screenshot

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Application Content:

Some of the included subject icons in the Financial Tree game are:

Income png
Debt png
Money png
Insurance png
Investment png

All financial topics icons here.
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