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Interactive Teeth Types.

"Teeth Puzzle" is a small knowledge level game to label the types of the teeth correctly. Biology exercise to study the five main types of teeth in humans and their names. Interactive Teeth Types. Fun educational game, suitable for online lessons and interactive classes. Free online game. Anatmy game. Online Biology worksheet. Fun homework biology exercise for 6 grade.

This biology class game include the following teeth types:
  • Wise Teeth
  • Molars
  • Premolars
  • Canine
  • Incisors
Original picture by, CC BY-SA 4.0,

Teeth Puzzle Educational Game

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How to play Teeth Puzzle

There are 5 labels of the human teeth types on the top of the screen. Drag and drop them to their correct places on the jaw diagram in the middle. Sort all 5 parts to win the game. The tries counter is used only for evaluation, 5 tries for A, 10 tries for F!

Knowledge Achievements:
Know the teeth types and get +1 Knowledge Level.
Difficulty: Easy.

Teeth Puzzle Screenshot

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Class subject: The teeth types.

Humans usually have 20 primary (deciduous, "baby" or "milk") teeth and 32 permanent (adult) teeth. Teeth are classified as incisors, canines, premolars (also called bicuspids), and molars. Incisors are primarily used for cutting, canines are for tearing, and molars serve for grinding.

A wisdom tooth or third molar is one of the three molars per quadrant of the human dentition. It is the most posterior of the three. The age at which wisdom teeth come through (erupt) is variable, but generally occurs between late teens and early twenties. Most adults have four wisdom teeth, one in each of the four quadrants, but it is possible to have none, fewer, or more, in which case the extras are called supernumerary teeth. Wisdom teeth may get stuck (impacted) against other teeth if there is not enough space for them to come through normally.

The molars or molar teeth are large, flat teeth at the back of the mouth. They are more developed in mammals. They are used primarily to grind food during chewing. Molars show a great deal of diversity in size and shape across mammal groups.

The premolar teeth, or bicuspids, are transitional teeth located between the canine and molar teeth. In humans, there are two premolars per quadrant in the permanent set of teeth, making eight premolars total in the mouth. They have at least two cusps. Premolars can be considered transitional teeth during chewing, or mastication. They have properties of both the canines, that lay anterior and molars that lay posterior, and so food can be transferred from the canines to the premolars and finally to the molars for grinding, instead of directly from the canines to the molars.

The canine teeth, also called dog teeth, fangs, cuspids or (in the context of the upper jaw) eye teeth, are the relatively long, pointed teeth. They can appear more flattened however, causing them to resemble incisors and leading them to be called incisiform. They developed and are used primarily for firmly holding food in order to tear it apart.

Incisors are the front teeth present in most mammals. They are located in the premaxilla above and on the mandible below. Humans have a total of eight (two on each side, top and bottom). Opossums have 18, whereas armadillos have none.

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