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Famous people contributed to the astronomy in a fun online learning game.

"Astronomers Puzzle" is a free online knowledge level game to sort the astronomers' portraits by year and merit. Minute to win it game. Astronomy learning game, suitable for online classes and interactive lessons. Fun astronomy educational game to study famous astronomers and their contribution to the science. Part of the Interactive Astronomical Observatory educational tools.

This fun learning game include the the following astronomers :
  • Nicolaus Copernicus 1473
  • Galileo Galilei 1564
  • Johannes Kepler 1571
  • Giovanni Cassini 1625
  • Isaac Newton 1643
  • Edmond Halley 1656
  • Charles Messier 1730
  • Henrietta Leavitt 1868
  • Albert Einstein 1879
  • Edwin Hubble 1899
  • Frank Drake 1930
  • Stephen Hawking 1942
Astronomers Puzzle Picture

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How to play Astronomers Puzzle.

There are 12 portraits of popular astronomers on the top of the screen. Drag and drop them in the correct year at the center of the screen. Every astronomer have a small artistic drawing, which represent the knowledge they contributed to the astronomy sciens, which help identifying the correct year.

Knowledge Achievements:
Know 3 at least 3 astronomers.
Difficulty: Easy.
Winning the game rewards +1 Knowledge Level on Planeta 42.

Astronomers Puzzle Screenshot

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