In the real world (not computers) there are 5 primary colors that can give all the rest of the colors with the correct mixture. They are yellow, red and blue, plus the white and black colours. In the computers world the primary colors are red, green and blue, but this lesson is not for computers but arts. Here are all the color combinations used in the game:
Primary Colors
Yellow #FFFF00
Red #FF0000
Blue #0000FF
Black #000000
Primary Mix
Yellow + Red = Orange #FF7F00
Yellow + Blue = Green #00FF00
Secondary Colors
White + Black = Grey #808080
Yellow + White = Cream #FFFDD0
Yellow + Black = Olive #727200
Red + Blue = Purple #800080
Red + White = Pink #FFC0CB
Red + Black = Maroon #7B0000
Blue + White = Light Blue #8181FF
Blue + Black = Deep Blue #000072
Secondary Mix
Orange + Yellow = Amber #FFBF00
Orange + Red = Scarlet #FF2400
Orange + Blue = Bourbon #AA6739
Orange + White = Texas Rose #FDBB7A
Orange + Black = Dark Brown #733900
Orange + Green = Crete (Brown) #746C2D
Green + Yellow = Lime #BFFF00
Green + Red = Brown #964B00
Green + Blue = Teal #008080
Green + White = Light Green #7BFF7B
Green + Black = Dark Green #006D00