18 archaeological studies and archaeology branches in a fun online learning game.
The "Archaeology Topics Tree" is a free online knowledge level game, about the subjects of
Archaeology Science, fields of study, archaeological sub-disciplines, key topics and concepts.
Drag and drop the round pictures in the archaeology topics root.
A small game puzzle for desktop computers, laptops and tablets, which may be played in the web browser. The Archaeology Knowledge Board include 18 pictures of archaeology, to play with.
Part of the Interactive Treasure Hunting educational tools. It is cumulative with the
Archaeology Test.
This fun education game may answer some of the following questions:
- How many subjects do archaeology study?
- Which are the archaeology study topics?
- What is Archaeology?
- How many fields of archaeology are there?
- Which are the archaeology branches?
- Which are the archaeological sub-disciplines?
- What is the Archaeology tree of subjects?
- What types of archaeology are there?
- What archaeology include?